dThe organized fans gave the reasons for their clear rejection of the invitation to talk german soccer league (DFL) considered that a new vote on the investor question had no alternative. And the fight for this must continue, they announced in response to a statement from the DFL.

“The more the protests are ignored, the more united we will be in favor of a new vote,” states the statement, published by “Our Curve”, “QFF – Queer Football Fans”, “F_in – Network Women in Football”, “it was signed “FC Playfair” and “BAFF – Alliance of Active Football Fans”. It is a fallacy to believe that only a fraction of fans are against the deal planned by investors and, above all, how it came about.

“Cocky tone”

The statement from active fans Thursday night was a reaction to a statement from the DFL. Due to the continued protests at matches, which have recently caused long interruptions in the first and second leagues, representatives of the fan scene were invited to speak.

“Along with the right to speak out, we must all accept the responsibility to aggressively address critical issues. Not all exchanges can guarantee that all interlocutors agree,” the DFL stated. Fans spoke of a “smug tone of the press release” and, among other things, criticized the processes.

DFL “Wohlffeile”

With this statement, the DFL once again fails to recognize that the atmosphere in the stadiums is a positive characteristic of German professional football, said “Our Curve” president Jost Peters. “The fans are what differentiates German football from other European leagues. The inclusion of fans and club members must not only be publicly preached, but also lived.” However, this cannot be said in this question.

Dario Minden, fan representative on the German Football Federation's Commission for Fans and Fan Cultures, said: “The DFL's cheap claim that 'fan and partner participation in clubs is an essential part of German football' has no basis when it comes to investors. “The organized fans also expressly welcomed the calls for a new vote by the club's ranks.

For months, active fans have been protesting against the DFL's plans, according to which a financial investor should pay the DFL one billion euros for a percentage of television revenues. In the December vote of 36 professional clubs, the necessary two-thirds majority was barely achieved. The voting behavior of Hannover 96's Martin Kind, who was ordered by the parent club to vote against, raised doubts.
