Despite the cold, long lines are forming: Saint Petersburg residents line up on Tuesday to sign for Nadjezhdin.
Image: AP

Thousands of Russians are lining up. They want to sign for Boris Nadjezhdin. He challenges Vladimir Putin because he wants to end the war in Ukraine. Whether he can compete?

EIt's cold, dark and damp, slush soaks your shoes, but the line of people is getting longer and longer. Many come here straight after work. They wait by lantern light in front of an old building on Fuhrmann Alley in the center of Moscow to sign for Boris Nadjeschdin so that he can run in Russia's presidential elections in mid-March.

The 60-year-old with a beard and glasses from Dolgoprudnyj near the capital, who usually appears in a large checkered jacket, is the only one among the three already approved candidates and eight candidate candidates who speaks out against the war in Ukraine and as a “fundamental opponent of the current president's policies ” designated. Anyone queuing here is already making a statement that has not been seen from Russia for a long time.

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