This week the police are intensifying radar controls throughout the country. Here you can find out on which days and in which federal states lightning strikes occur most frequently.

There is lightning again! From Monday, April 15 to Sunday, April 21, the police in most states will once again carry out intensive speed checks. With the so-called “Speed ​​Week”, the campaign week for greater road safety, the police want to make drivers aware of the risks of driving too fast. This week, speed checks are to be expected, especially at peak times, i.e. in the morning and afternoon, as well as on accident-prone sections of the road and in particularly dangerous places such as schools, nursing homes or nurseries.

Here you can find the location of the measurement points in the radar marathon.

According to the ADAC, the climax of the radar marathon is Friday, April 19. According to the ADAC, that day law enforcement officers measure the speed of road users from early in the morning until late at night. With the exception of Berlin, Lower Saxony, Saxony and Saarland, all federal states participate in the campaign week.

But not in all federal states officials are equally active during this time. Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein participate in the week of action, but no more controls are planned for the day of the 19th than for the rest of the week. In Bavaria and Brandenburg, however, enhanced speed checks are only carried out on Fridays.

During the past radar marathons, the authorities of some federal states announced the location of the measuring points shortly before, such as Bavaria, which offers its mobile citizens an interactive map with all the locations of the measuring points on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Inside. However, federal states such as Baden-Württemberg do not reveal them beforehand.

If you want to know if there are speed traps in your area, the best place to find out is the website of the Ministry of the Interior of your state or visit the website, which links to the list of measurement points in each of the federated states.

Many speeding drivers are still caught

Although the location of many speed cameras is known in advance, many drivers had an expensive photograph taken of themselves and their vehicle in the last speed camera marathon. 8,690 lightning strikes hit Bavaria alone. The worst offender was caught driving at 155 km/h in zone 60. In Baden-Württemberg there were around 13,000 speed limit violations.

The date has already been set for the next radar marathon in summer. It is scheduled to take place in the week of August 5-11.