VOX Cooking Show: “Raise Me Now”: “Perfect Dinner” chef shocks guests with a strong drink

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It doesn't hurt to fill your guests with a little spirit – especially before the meal. This is what Kersten (29) does on day 4 at the “Perfect Dinner” in Munich and creates a general “Wow” with her aperitif.

“Pack it up,” Kersten takes on the challenge of preparing “the perfect dinner” today. “If the mise en place is good, you can't really go wrong,” says the former hotel manager at Berlin's noble Hotel Adlon. “I imagine the fact that I've been to the restaurant before plays into my hands somehow.”

Kersten is actually from NWR and is of course a Dortmund fan. Two and a half years ago, he moved from Berlin to Vaterstetten near Munich and works as a customer relations expert. To avoid double the effort for Tabea's meat-free version, Kersten thinks, “Why not just make it vegan?” Except, of course, fish, because there are:

  • Appetizer: risotto / Hokkaido / sage / pine nuts
  • Main course: Black cod / Miso / Jerusalem artichoke / Wild broccoli
  • Dessert: apple / vanilla / cashew

“It's either totally good or totally bad,” says Tabea, 28, quoting Ros's comments about the Today presenter. But Rosi (57) now firmly believes in Kersten: “It's pretty good.” For Tabea, the current presenter has already become a family: “I have a bit of a brother-sister vibe with Kersten.”

Perfect dinner: too strong an aperitif?

That's why he wears a BVB scarf specially designed for him in the evening. “I was extremely happy about it,” Kersten appreciates this gesture. Leo (38) notices something completely different: “The table decorations were great today.” Rosi states, “It's obvious he's done this before.”

This is also noticeable when mixing an apple cider margarita. “If it's too strong for you: I also have an alternative,” warns Kersten. After the first sip, Rosi gladly accepts the offer: «I think he will blow me away right away». Tabea laughs: “Otherwise, Rosi will still be dancing on the table today!” But others also feel the burning in their throats. “The first sip was extremely strong,” analyzes Leo. “I also thought: help, I'm going to faint,” Tabea has to get used to the drink.

Then there's something to eat: pumpkin risotto with sage and pine nuts. Instead of Parmesan, Kersten sprinkles vegan yeast flakes in the risotto. “Wow, that looks really nice,” guests' mouths are watering. Then silence at the table. “Do you like?” Kersten asks. He sees a unanimous “Mhmmm” as a compliment.

Perfect Dinner: Bad luck with wild broccoli

“Black cod is a good fish,” explains Kersten with his main course. “Very buttery, very firm meat.” He marinates it with miso and serves it over mashed peanuts and wild broccoli. Tabea also makes oyster and king oyster mushrooms. Rosi watches Kersten make it, “She's really hip to it.” And how does it taste? “Sensational!” Unfortunately, Tabea's wild broccoli is too fibrous: “I wasn't very lucky.” Kersten quickly hands her a small bowl so she can discreetly dispose of the remains.

“I won the bet!” says happily Tabea, who was the only one who correctly guessed apple crumble dessert with vanilla ice cream. It also scores points for taste: “It's perfectly seasoned.” “A real feel-good dessert” for a vegan. Cashew ice cream does not completely convince Ros: “I would have liked to eat real vanilla ice cream with it.”

Leo's conclusion: “He's a bomber.” However, with 33 points, Kersten missed the lead and shared the place with Tabea.

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The original of this article “”Raise me now”: “Perfect Dinner” chef shocks guests with a strong drink” is from Teleschau.

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