Dhe Republicans in the US House of Representatives have failed in their attempt to initiate impeachment proceedings against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. In the first chamber of Congress on Tuesday, a corresponding motion failed to achieve the necessary majority by 214 votes to 216. It is a defeat for the new Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson, who called the vote without being sure of a majority.

The proposal is also controversial among Republicans

Majid Sattar

North American political correspondent based in Washington.

The Democrats condemned the move as politically motivated and described it as unconstitutional. The approach was also controversial among Republicans. Four of their representatives voted against impeachment. Others only voted for it because Donald Trump, the leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination, pushed the group to do so. Well-known constitutional lawyers are of the opinion that the conditions for impeachment proceedings against the minister responsible for border protection do not exist.

Republicans accuse Mayorkas of “deliberately” creating a crisis at America's southern border with Mexico through “gross incompetence” and a “year-long refusal to enforce the laws passed by Congress.”

Biden accuses Trump of torpedoing the negotiations

Before the vote, President Joe Biden accused the former president of undermining the passage of a bipartisan agreement on a legislative package that includes tougher migration policies and new military aid to Ukraine. Trump would rather use it as a “political weapon” in the election campaign.

“Everything indicates that this bill will not even be voted on in the Senate. Why? For one simple reason: Donald Trump. Because Donald Trump thinks it’s bad for him politically,” Biden said in a speech at the White House. “He would rather exploit this problem than actually solve it.”