DThe Federal Prosecutor General (GBA) has brought charges against four well-known right-wing extremists before the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court because they are said to have continued the organization “Combat 18 Germany”, which was banned in 2020. According to the investigators' findings, at least 14 conspiratorial meetings have taken place since the end of October 2020 under the leadership of the defendant Stanley R., at which there were “performance marches” and admission procedures for applicants for support.

According to the GBA, the subject of the admission process was not only a practical exam but also a theoretical part with questions about National Socialism. In addition, R. organized right-wing rock concerts with another defendant and sold recordings and clothing related to “Combat 18 Germany”.

Stanley R. is also said to have made it his mission to network with other associations, such as the right-wing extremist martial arts group “Knockout 51” based in Eisenach. “Combat 18” originally comes from Great Britain. The number refers to the first and eighth letters of the alphabet, Adolf Hitler's initials. The core of the group is its commitment to militancy. This is also why there has long been a suspicion that there were contacts between “Combat 18” and the NSU or even joint terrorist acts. So far no evidence has been found.

Robin S., now also accused before the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court, sought contact with Beate Zschäpe, the last living member of the terrorist organization, after the NSU exposed itself. With regard to the GBA's indictment, Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) said that the security authorities were very vigilant: “We are doing everything we can to dismantle right-wing extremist networks and groups.”