According to CSU honorary chairman Edmund Stoiber, “not a natural friend” of the CSU: Wolfgang Schäuble, here on January 20, 2016 in Kreuth
Image: Picture Alliance

The relationship between Wolfgang Schäuble and the CSU always had something of a duel. It culminated in April 2021. What really happened in the struggle for power back then?

WIf there is one accusation that makes Markus Söder angry, it is that he is not bold enough in terms of power politics, to put it bluntly: that he will pull back when the going gets tough. Former CDU leader Wolfgang Schäuble, who died at the end of last year, made precisely this accusation in his recently published memoirs.

In a few pages he deals with the power struggle over the Union's candidacy for chancellor in 2021. Schäuble outlines from his perspective how a meeting between Armin Laschet and Söder at the presidential level in the Reichstag building went on April 18th. In his presence – and in that of a few other important Union politicians – the two competitors “sufficiently explained their respective views as to why they considered themselves the more promising candidate”.