Harry Styles is adored all over the world. However, one Brazilian woman took fan love too seriously and crossed the line. Because he showered the singer with letters, she now received a severe punishment.

His concerts fill huge halls all over the world and he can hardly escape the love of his fans: Harry Styles is undoubtedly one of the most popular music stars. As happy as the 30-year-old is about his successes, the musician's adoration sometimes takes on disturbing lines. According to research by British media such as “The Independent”, the singer was recently harassed by a stalker.

According to reports, the 35-year-old hardcore fan is from Brazil and traveled to England last December to be close to his idol. She is said to have sent around 8,000 cards and handwritten letters to Styles – to his home address – since arriving. But that's not all: The Brazilian reportedly even sent Styles wedding cards, and prosecutors say she even personally delivered two letters.

Harry Styles' stalker needs to go behind bars

Now the pursuer has been prosecuted in a British court for these border crossings. The 35-year-old man's guilty plea was followed by a multi-part sentence. First, the woman must spend 14 days behind bars. After that, due to the injunction, he will not be allowed to attend any event where Harry Styles is present for ten years. The court also forbade him to make direct or indirect contact attempts with the singer and actor. A fine of 155 euros is probably more tolerable.