Bettina Stark-Watzinger (FDP), Federal Minister of Education and Research, speaks in the plenary session in the German Bundestag (archive photo).
Image: dpa

Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger demands that anti-Semitism must have clear consequences. “Everything must be done to take action against this using constitutional means.” The reason is the alleged attack on a Jewish student in Berlin.

AIn view of the alleged attack on a Jewish student in Berlin, Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger has called on universities to take consistent action. Anti-Semitism must have clear consequences, the FDP politician told the editorial network Germany (RND/Wednesday). “University management must therefore make use of all the options to which they are legally entitled.” Turning a blind eye is unacceptable.

At the weekend, 30-year-old Jewish student Lahav Shapira was hospitalized with broken bones in his face. A 23-year-old pro-Palestinian fellow student is said to have hit and kicked him in Berlin-Mitte.

The police reported that the two initially got into an argument before the 23-year-old suddenly struck. The alleged perpetrator initially fled, but was then identified. A spokesman for the Berlin public prosecutor's office said on Tuesday that, based on the current state of the investigation, an anti-Semitic motive did not appear to be remote.

Stark-Watzinger: No lawless areas

Universities are places of maximum freedom, but not lawless spaces, Stark-Watzinger told the RND. This violence stuns them and shows where hatred of Israel and Jews leads. “Everything must be done to take action against this using constitutional means.”

The Central Council of Jews had previously demanded strict consequences from the university on Tuesday. There is no alternative to exmatriculating the student in question. According to the university, such an expulsion is not legally possible, but only a ban on the house for a maximum of three months.