According to a current analysis by “Morningstar” financial experts, Nvidia much more than a simple semiconductor manufacturer. Evercore ISI analyst Kirk Materne shares this view. Materne complains that Nvidia doesn't get enough recognition from investors for its extensive product ecosystem.

The expert affirms that the company has a network of chips, hardware and software that gives it a decisive advantage and high sales potential.

Nvidia charges significantly higher prices than Intel or AMD

Stock analyst Materne contradicts some investors' concerns that Nvidia is exiting the market with possibly overpriced products. The skeptics' argument is that Nvidia is much more expensive than Intel processors, for example. or AMD.

What you need to know is that industry experts estimate that the future Nvidia H100 processor will cost between $25,000 and $40,000 per chip. Complete systems could even cost up to $200,000. This is many times the price of systems from Intel or AMD.

Expert Materne contradicts the fears: “We see this as a comparison between apples and oranges.” This is more or less “like comparing a Qualcomm processor for $150 with an iPhone for $1,500,” says Materne, according to Morningstar experts say: Nvidia's prices are reasonable.

The current price target is $1,160.

The expert gives Nvidia stock an “outperform” rating and expects it to outperform the market. His forecast: Nivida will rise to $1,160 (about 1,084 euros). The paper is currently trading at $880.31 (Wednesday, April 17, 1:30 p.m.). If the bold price forecast came true, the stock would rise nearly 32 percent higher. Nvidia investors hope that the company's founder, Jen-Hsun Huang, can achieve this.

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