The SWR documentary “Vollbild” shows what can be known. Reality shows in Germany have a dark side with sinister figures in the background.

A person sits in front of a notebook.

The “Vollbild” editorial team during the investigation Photo: SWR

Reality shows promise parties, fun, hot dates, adventures and good money. But is it really like that? In the SWR documentary “Sex, Alcohol, Manipulation? Reality TV stars reveal themselves,” the journalists of the program “Vollbild” investigated the reality TV business in Germany.

Through conversations with employees of different formats, it emerges that non-verbal violence is especially desired on television, since discussions have an enormous influence on the success of the programs. A producer claims that participants on the show are controlled to specifically provoke arguments and drama.

Valentina Doronina, a well-known reality TV star, says: “The business is sick. […] It's really disturbing, so in order not to fall into that somehow, I think you really need a clear mind. You see over and over again how many end up in the bottle.”

The program makers do not always have everything under control, which is very clear in an example from the documentary. A contestant says a contestant on the show almost raped her at a party. The employees of the program confirm this in “Vollbild”, but, like the candidate, they do so anonymously.

Only under the influence of alcohol.

The reality TV business now demands more from stars than simply being provocative on television while under the influence. It is about strategically marketing the television presence in the best possible way in the future. Agencies place young stars who are already there or those who still want to become one with the right production companies.

“Reality TV stars unpack” in the ARD media library

In general, the documentary shows well the threads of the “reality TV” system. This confirms long-circulating rumors that producers act as puppeteers in the background. Participants should always expect to receive enough attention and be able to identify with their role on television.

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