Currently, some tenants in Germany still have heating. After all, it can still be quite cool in the afternoons and evenings. But the latest owners will also change their premises soon, at the latest in May. If you are not careful, you may have to expect unwanted costs.

End of heating: this is what you need to know

In Germany there is no legal regulation that determines the start or end of the heating season. However, industry guidelines and general practices have emerged that owners, management companies, and rental agreements often rely on. They are generally based on weather conditions and assume a heating period from October 1 to April 30. However, in some cases this period extends until May.

During this period, the landlord is obliged to ensure that the rented rooms have a certain heating. Concretely, this means a minimum possible temperature between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius (°C) during the day and at least 18°C ​​at night.

Tip: If you want to know how the availability of your own heating is regulated, you can consult the rental contract or the community regulations of the communities of owners. If this information is not included, you can also request it directly from the owner.

Now check the following things

To protect yourself from unexpected costs or damage, there are a few things you should pay attention to at the end of the heating season. They also ensure that the heating is well prepared for the next cold snap and is working properly again immediately.

Checklist at the end of the heating season:

  • Adjust ventilation behavior: As temperatures rise in spring and summer, you should pay attention to your ventilation habits. During the heating period, shock ventilation (short, intensive ventilation with the windows wide open) is recommended to prevent mold formation. In summer, you can keep the windows open longer to ensure airflow and cooling.
  • Keep radiators clear: Make sure that all radiators are not covered by furniture or other objects even after the heating season. This can affect the efficiency of the heating system during the next heating season and also poses a fire risk.
  • Frost protection: Even when the heating season ends, there can still be cool days. Be sure to keep the heating on a low temperature to avoid frost damage, especially if the apartment is not occupied during colder periods.
  • Check thermostatic valves: Pay attention to its full functionality here. If a valve becomes stuck or does not close properly, this can lead to unnecessary heating costs.
  • Have the heating repaired: Although the homeowner is usually responsible for maintaining the heating system, it is important to ensure that this is carried out regularly. A heating system in good condition works more efficiently and safely.
  • Communication with the landlord: If you have questions or have problems with the heating, do not hesitate to contact your landlord. It's best to report minor problems early before they turn into larger, more expensive repairs.

Source: own research

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By Dana Neumann