In the current environmental report, Tesla no longer mentions its goal of manufacturing 20 million electric cars per year. Now the document released on Thursday (May 23) only says that they want to displace fossil fuels by selling as many Tesla products as possible.

The two previous reports claimed that Tesla would have to build many more factories by the end of the decade to be able to produce 20 million vehicles a year.

Tesla expects slower growth rate

Asked whether the goal had officially been abandoned, the automaker did not respond. Last year, Tesla increased deliveries by almost 38 percent to a good 1.8 million vehicles.

However, there is currently no forecast for 2024. Tesla only promised a slower growth rate. Company boss Elon Musk had previously talked about increasing deliveries by 50 percent annually.

Elon Musk wants to present Robotaxi

After a drop in sales at the beginning of the year, Musk announced in April that he would bring cheaper models to market faster than planned. They are now scheduled to go into production ahead of the originally planned date in the second half of 2025. However, production processes will not be revamped as radically as initially announced. Musk also wants to present a robotaxi in early August.

The electric car pioneer has recently come under pressure from cheaper competition from China and buyer interest in hybrid models in the US domestic market.