EA convicted rapist escaped from an exit in Berlin. Police have been searching for the man, who is considered dangerous, since Tuesday evening, a spokesman for the Senate Judiciary Administration said Wednesday. “Tagesspiegel” had previously reported. The prisoner was in preventive detention in the Tegel Correctional Facility (JVA).

During his release, where he was escorted by court officials, the 54-year-old man took the opportunity to escape. According to the spokesperson, the man was visiting a charity in Friedrichshain. Such exits have been given to the criminal numerous times – so far there have been no complaints.

According to the judicial system, the man has been in prison in Brandenburg since 2000 after being convicted of rape. Due to the seriousness of the crime and its classification as dangerous, preventive detention was ordered. According to the spokesperson of the Senate Judiciary Administration, the man had been there since 2011. According to Tagesspiegel, in 2019 he was transferred to a preventive detention facility in Berlin's Tegel prison.

Worked well over a hundred times

According to the spokesperson, the criminal has been granted a release from 2021. According to the constitution, the prison authorities are obliged to do this, also in order to prepare the victims for a regulated life in freedom, the spokesperson emphasized. The longer the preventive detention lasts, the greater the right to such measures.

In the case of the 54-year-old man, according to the Justice Board, it succeeded more than a hundred times. “In no case was a complaint filed,” the spokesman said. The shows earned “social control.” However, after escaping, the criminal must wait for such exits to be revoked for the time being. Tegel Prison and the Department of Justice are evaluating the case, he announced.

Just in December, two dangerous criminals escaped from the penal system, which houses mentally ill and addicted criminals. The men were caught a week later. According to the investigation, the 34-year-old master criminal injured two nurses during his escape on December 24 and freed a fellow prisoner of the same age. The man was in a secured hospital in Reinickendorf due to attempted murder.