Dhe Freyung district court sentenced a priest working in the Diocese of Passau to 13,200 euros for infidelity in one case. In addition, he was acquitted on Friday, as a court spokesman explained the decision on request on Saturday. The damage caused was estimated at 26,000 euros, which the clergyman had to repay. The pastor was accused of giving money from weddings and funerals to a slush fund at his former church for several years.

According to the spokesperson, the judgment is not yet legally binding. The State Prosecutor's Office and the defendant would have the opportunity to file a complaint or revision within a week.

The spokesperson explained that it was considered in the defendant's favor that he was not enriched. Payments to the clergyman's slush fund were made at his discretion, but he used them for the benefit of the church. He also benefited from the fact that he had not yet appeared before the criminal court, had confessed, and the proceedings had lasted a long time due to his fault. However, the extent of the damage and the long time involved were negatively assessed.