During training you must learn the profession and learn from an instructor or master craftsman. At a company that a man writes about on Reddit, this is apparently not the case at all. The students there don't even care.

Apprentices are “cheap workers”

The author of the article titled “Apprentices don't care about the company” is the workshop manager of the company in question and accuses his employer of not properly training the young apprentices, but of simply using them as cheap labor.

“We have been hiring apprentices for two years and they are literally considered cheap workers,” says the anonymous workshop boss. He complains that in the workshop where he works none of the employees are teachers or trainers and that, therefore, the students receive practically no career guidance. “The teacher in charge is never there. And if so, he is not interested in the students,” he writes.

Students supposedly receive no guidance

The man is especially concerned about a young trainee who they say needs extra support. The apprentice seems to have difficulties in the vocational school and, according to him, needs “a firm hand, to guide and control him.” However, the workshop manager sees the problem here that this cannot be achieved on a day-to-day basis.

Given this precarious situation, the director of the workshop wonders if there is any way to sue the company or force it to create better conditions for the students. “The bottom line is that the AG has no interest in his employees and very often behaves in a downright antisocial manner and gets away with it far too often,” he writes on Reddit. He wants to prevent future students from being exploited as well.

Companies in Germany are looking for apprentices

There has been a shortage of apprentices in Germany for some time, especially for qualified professionals. Some companies have even implemented special measures to make themselves more attractive in the market.

Months ago, a bakery that was testing new opening hours appeared in the media. He doesn't open his shop until 1:00 p.m. so that students can sleep in and not have to get up early in the morning, as is common in the baking sector.