According to the police, the girl crying in the box is 21 months old. The witness discovered the box and the child on the floor behind the apartment building. He informed the fire department, who took the seriously injured child to the hospital. His life was not in danger but he suffered “significant injuries from the fall”, a spokesman for the Crown Prosecution Service said. He did not want to give more details, the newspaper “BZ” wrote about the fractures.

The family's apartment is located on the third floor of a building in the Altglienicke district near the Berlin airport. From there, the mother allegedly threw the child out of the window, probably from a height of at least ten meters. In the photo of “BZ” there is a blue plastic box in which cats can usually be transported. It is located in front of the house next to the bike racks in an area cordoned off by the police with red and white tape. In addition to the mother, the police found another nine-year-old child in the apartment. It was handed over to the Youth Welfare Office.

The investigation against the mother was taken over by the murder squad, who is suspected of trying to kill her child. According to the state prosecutor's office, the woman has not yet made a statement. The motive was open, no glaring indications of drugs were found, and no special neglect was found. Police did not see the children's father or another man in the apartment on Tuesday. The State Prosecutor's Office requested an arrest warrant and pretrial detention for the mother. The woman was due to appear before a judge on Tuesday.