Completely new design: These are the Olympic pictograms for Paris 2024

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Pictograms have proven effective in the Olympic Games as a language-independent means of communication. The concept of small images has been completely revised for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.

The pictograms were first used at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. These are small images that show the different olympic disciplines represent. Since then, the popularity of pictograms has increased considerably, so that many areas of life can no longer be imagined without small pictorial representations. But what are pictograms really for?

The meaning of the Olympic pictograms.

The organizers of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics faced a big problem: spectators came from all over the world and had to find their way around the competition arenas. But not everyone spoke the same language. In addition, the local population also used completely different characters, which made it easier for the numerous guests to find their way around. Furthermore, back then there were not as many people able to communicate in English as there are today.

Pictograms were developed to solve the problem elegantly. In them you can see the different Olympic disciplines in the form of a small but clear symbol. This meant that language barriers were overcome and viewers always knew which signs to follow. The concept was so successful that it spread far beyond the borders of the Olympic Games.

What Olympic symbols will be present at the 2024 Olympic Games?

It has become a tradition that new pictograms are designed for each new Olympic event. In the last Olympic Games in 2021, organizers stuck to the style of previous events. The classic style of the games at that time could also be due to Tokyo once again being the place of the invention of pictograms and the venue of the Olympic Games.

For him Summer Olympics in Paris 2024 However, the decision was made to completely renew the concept. The pictograms in this year's games go far beyond the simple figures of the past. Rather than simply being a visual aid for visitors, the pictograms should act more as a sort of “coat of arms” for each sport. This was possible, among other things, because the problem of language barriers is no longer as relevant today as before. Most people attending competitions are likely to speak English.

However, the pictograms, of course, are designed in such a way that they are as understandable as possible to everyone. This is achieved through each of the new pictograms that consists of the same three elements:

  • A summary of the plot: Each pictogram contains a specific sports object that must be symbolized. These include arrows or bats.
  • A representation of the competition venue: The background of each pictogram is the place where athletes compete against each other. This means, for example, a football field or a swimming pool.
  • An axis of symmetry: Each pictogram is designed to be based on a specific symmetry. This is intended to emphasize again the aspect of the “coat of arms”.

In a post on the “X” short message service, the organizers once again describe the history of the pictograms until the new designs in 2024:

Also the pictograms for the Paralympic Games 2024 They were renewed in this way.

