Lothar Matthäus criticizes coach Thomas Tuchel FC Bayern once more sharp. The coach's public appearance worries the players, he says the “Sky” expert.

The former Bayern star is particularly bothered by three types of behavior from Tuchel. He tells “Bild”: “If you are completely honest, and Thomas also knows this, the unrest that exists all the time around the team is not good. Tuchel's demands for new players, his sometimes too honest and critical public statements before and after games and his sensitive reactions even to objective criticism, things like that worry some players.

Matthäus also criticizes Tuchel because the 50-year-old reacts too distrustfully to the usual criticism from Matthäus or his Sky colleague Dietmar Hamann. Throughout the season there were repeated discussions between Tuchel and television experts Matthäus and Hamann.

“Bayern football lacks appeal”

Meanwhile, Matthäus says about Tuchel's work at Bayern: One thing is that Bayern has a very good amount of points under Tuchel, even seven more than last season at this point. This is really strong. But this year the challenge is greater, which is mainly due to the consistent Leverkusen team, which even has two more points.

Matthäus continued to criticize: “The other thing is that with Tuchel, Bayern has not evolved in terms of football as many fans, including me, expected. The results are good, but football lacks the attractiveness that can be expected from this.” A strong Bayern, despite numerous losses due to injury. My feeling is that Bayern still has a lot of room for improvement when it comes to the attractiveness of their playing style. In Leverkusen there is not much room for improvement.

Matthäus' conclusion on Bayern's performance under Tuchel: “They can do it, the quality is there. As we saw in some games, like in Dortmund or against Stuttgart. But they rarely show such performances. Not in the Champions League either.” for example in both happy victories against Galatasaray.

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By Sebastian Mittag
