Mr Lange, let's look ahead a few months. October 26, Ironman World Championship Hawaii. Finish line. Where do you see yourself?

I wouldn't play the sport again if I didn't firmly believe it was possible to win in Hawaii for the third time. That is my goal. That's the image I have in my head. The image I work for day after day.

After the resignations of Jan Frodeno and Sebastian Kienle, you are the last active winner from Germany in Hawaii. You will be 38 years old on the day of the competition and you will face a new generation of young, super-fast competitors such as the Frenchman Sam Laidlow, behind whom you finished second at the Nice 2023 World Championships, and the Dane Magnus Ditlev. Laidlow is 25 years old and Ditlev is 26. How do you plan to compete against them?
