Shortly before the second anniversary of the Russian attack on Ukraine, right-wing American host Tucker Carlson interviews Putin.

Tucker Carlson in a still image from the video

Screenshot of a February 6 video of Tucker Carlson discussing his interview with Putin Screenshot: Tucker Carlson Network/Reuters

Since the beginning of Russia's war of aggression, Russian President Vladimir Putin has not given any interviews to Western media. This has changed now. Apparently, right-wing American host Tucker Carlson interviewed Putin.

A video Carlson shared on X reads: “We are in Moscow tonight. “We are here to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin.” About his motives, Carlson says: Nobody informs the Americans. They don't know what is happening in Ukraine and Russia because no one tells them the truth. Now his job is to provide people with facts, said the moderator, known for spreading conspiracy stories.

High jellyfish Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed to Russian state media that the interview took place. Peskov said loudly. Jellyfish: “He (Carlson; editor) has a different position from the rest (of the Western media). He is in no way pro-Russian or pro-Ukrainian, but rather pro-American. But at least he clearly contrasts with the position of the traditional Anglo-Saxon media.”

Carlson cost Fox News a lot of money

In response to Carlson's claim that not a single Western journalist has attempted to ask Putin for an interview since Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine, Peskov responded: “We received numerous requests for interviews with the president. […]: traditional television networks and major newspapers that do not even attempt to be impartial in their reporting. Of course there is no desire to communicate with this type of media.”

Carlson, a former Fox News host, was fired from the network in April. According to media reports, due to private messages in which he glorified an act of violence by Trump supporters against a counter-protester. Carlson also spread lies about alleged voter fraud by voting machine maker Dominion. Fox News had to pay Dominion nearly $790 million in a settlement due to allegations made on the channel.

Carlson has been in Moscow for days. The date of his visit does not seem to be chosen at random. February 24 marks the anniversary of Russia's expanded war of aggression against Ukraine.