Amira and Oliver Pocher's relationship is over. The parents of two children fought the War of the Roses. At least Oliver teased his estranged wife online and on stage. Amira mostly held back. In his podcast “Liebes Leben” he talks to his brother Hima about his new love and the last few weeks.

“I'd like you to let me be happy”

It became known that Amira and ProSieben presenter Christian Düren had become closer. Amira confirms this in the podcast. However, she also says that Oliver's behavior hurt her a lot. Although the comedian lovingly takes care of their children, Amira is not really happy with the current situation.

“Olli is trying very hard. Whenever he has them, he does something with them (…). “Everything is great and I'm very happy that we work like this,” says Amira. “Now that's the only part missing. I also said, 'I want you to be happy.' And I'd also like you to let me be happy.”

“I Can't Hide”

Oliver Pocher's public pressure and insults have caught up with him. “For the past few months, I've been standing with a shield and crying behind it while arrows shoot at me. Now let's let things calm down.”

Her husband must now end their failed relationship. “I can't hide,” says Amira. “I can't go back years now and give up my personal happiness because no one else can process it differently. (…) I can't let things happen in which I see a lot of potential.” Does he mean Christian Düren?

This article “Amira Pocher: “I'd like you to let me be happy”” is originally from