• In the video above you can see impressions of the funeral.

At Franz Beckenbauer's funeral, Hoeneß appealed the AfD. The 2006 World Cup, which Beckenbauer brought to Germany, “started a process” that made many Germans proud of their country. Hoeneß would like to see this process continue in the future. “But I would like to make it very clear that I do not want the AfD to be part of this process,” he added.

In an interview with the “ Frankfurt General “Hoeneß now explained how the speech came about. “I thought for a long time whether I should say that,” the honorary president admitted. FC Bayern. “You know, when I think of a speech like this, I never write it down; I develop it little by little over several days, even at night when I'm awake.”

Anti-AfD appeal in Beckenbauer's speech: Hoeneß “I would say it like this tomorrow”

I knew I wanted to talk about the fairy tale of the summer of 2006 and the pride of German fans, “of the black, red and gold flags in the streets.” But then she thought: “Oops, someone might understand that I'm thinking in the direction of the AfD.” That's why Hoeneß “wrestled with himself whether to say that at a funeral.” But it was important to him, that's why he decided to do it and Hoeneß defends him: “Tomorrow I would repeat it like this.”

Since the AfD has been “playing an increasingly important role” in Germany, Hoeneß is increasingly worried. When he watches documentaries about the Nazi era, he “always gets very angry.”

Hoeneß on the possible success of the AfD: “That should never happen”

“Meier man,” Hoeneß then calls himself. “If our country moves in that direction again, that must never happen!”

However, he believes that sport should “stay as far away as possible from political issues.” “But sport cannot remain silent when it comes to such fundamental issues. That's why I spoke.”
