Violation of human dignity: As reported by, the Lower Saxony State Media Office (NLM) has criticized several reports broadcast on RTL as violating human dignity. In particular, it is about scenes that show an abused girl.

These posts were objected to

RTL is currently heavily criticized. The media office of the state of Lower Saxony (NLM) and the youth media protection commission (KJM) consider the transmission of certain reports on “RTL aktuell” and “Punkt 6” to be a serious violation of human dignity. In March 2023, footage of a cellphone video showing a 13-year-old girl being abused by her peers was broadcast.

KJM claims that the use of these video clips not only serves to objectively illustrate the events, but rather exploits the victim and exploits her suffering commercially to create an emotional appeal to the audience. The girl's human dignity was once again not respected.

What follows: The legal framework of the RTL case

Media watchdogs refer to the National Treaty on the Protection of Young People in the Media (JMStV), which clearly opposes images that show people in humiliating situations, especially when they are suffering or dead. This regulation aims to preserve respect for human dignity and applies to all radio and television media offerings.

Although a complaint has been filed, it is not yet legally binding. RTL has the opportunity to submit a lawsuit to the Hanover Administrative Court within one month. When asked by, a representative of the broadcaster said that the reasons for the complaint are being investigated and legal remedies are reserved. It remains to be seen how RTL will decide.

This article “Violation of human dignity: Media watchdogs oppose RTL contributions” was originally from TV Spielfilm.