Warning strikes in the news: IG BAU calls a warning strike in Hochtief

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Warning strikes have been taking place continuously in various industries since last year. The fronts of the collective bargaining dispute in the private bus sector have been hardening for weeks. IG BAU is also calling for a warning strike at Hochtief. You can read all the important information here in the ticker.

IG BAU shouts Warning strike in high low

Saturday, June 29, 2024, 11:41 p.m.: In the dispute over the collective agreement at the Hochtief construction group, IG Bauen Agrar Umwelt has called for a warning strike on Monday. The union announced on Friday that employees should stop working all day at the branches in Cologne, Düsseldorf and Berlin as well as in Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich and at the Essen headquarters from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is not satisfied with previous offers of wage increases for the approximately 2,500 employees agreed collectively. Hochtief has had two record years and needs to involve employees appropriately, explained Nicole Simons, member of the IG BAU management board. The next round of negotiations is scheduled for 8 July.

Mediation is getting closer in the collective bargaining dispute in the bus sector

19:45: Mediation to resolve the stagnant collective dispute in the private bus sector in Rhineland-Palatinate is getting closer. It was agreed to start mediation together with the Verdi union, the general director of the Rhineland-Palatinate transport industry employers' association (VAV), Heiko Nagel, told the German Press Agency on Thursday.

Specific framework conditions, such as who should be involved, are still to be finalised. VAV wants the public sector to be involved, ideally the state, municipalities as responsible bodies and special-purpose associations. “This is essential,” said Nagel.

Under the collective agreement, Verdi is demanding an additional 500 euros per month for wages and salaries, as well as a one-off payment of 3,000 euros for employees. According to the employers, an increase in labour costs of only 2.5 percent is possible without an index for public transport. The index, which is to be published, according to the Ministry of Transport, is intended, among other things, to ensure more flexible compensation of personnel costs through public sector subsidies.

Restrictions in many Berlin nurseries due to warning strike

Thursday June 27, 7:31 am: On Thursday, a number of Berlin nurseries will go on strike. The Verdi union has called on more than 7,500 employees of Berlin nurseries to go on a warning strike on Thursday. The union wants to persuade the Senate to engage in collective bargaining on a collective agreement on the quality of education and support for employees. According to Verdi, the Senate has so far refused to engage in collective bargaining on these issues.

Daycare centers are affected by the alert strike. A strike demonstration is planned for 2:00 p.m. at the Neptune Fountain, not far from the Red Town Hall. The situation in Berlin's daycare centers will also be discussed on Thursday in the Education, Youth and Family Committee of the Berlin House of Representatives.

Verdi and the employers fight to find a solution to the collective bargaining conflict

Monday, June 24, 2:12 p.m.: In the deadlocked collective dispute in the private bus sector in Rhineland-Palatinate, the Verdi union and the employers are still fighting for a solution. A union spokesman said on Monday in Mainz that the employers had submitted a proposal for a mediation process. Verdi could imagine this path. However, this proposal would also have to be binding and end in arbitration.

Verdi announces warning strike in retail trade in Berlin and Brandenburg

Sunday, June 23, 5:17 p.m.: The Verdi union has called warning strikes in Berlin and Brandenburg this Monday in the framework of the collective dispute in the retail trade. This affects the branches of Rewe and Edeka, which do not have their own name and are not privatized, as well as Ikea, H&M, Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof and Kaufland, Verdi's negotiator in Berlin-Brandenburg, Conny Weissbach, told the Agency. German Press on Sunday.

With the warning strike, the union wants to put pressure on the employers before the next round of negotiations on Wednesday. Since collective agreements already exist in several countries, Verdi also expects constructive collective bargaining in Berlin and Brandenburg.

According to its own statements, the union demands an increase in wages and a reduction in the deadline, since in Berlin and Brandenburg it has been delayed by three months. As part of the warning strike, a rally and demonstration is planned for Monday (starting at 11:15 a.m.) in Berlin. Negotiations for wholesale trade also continue. Verdi had already drawn attention to his demands in recent months with warning strikes in retail and wholesale trade. However, no branch closures were expected.

IG Metall Mitte wants 7 percent more money

13:16: In the upcoming collective negotiations for the metal and electrical industries, the IG Metall district of Mitte spoke in favor of demanding 7 percent more money. The collective agreement must have a duration of 12 months. Training compensation should increase disproportionately, by 170 euros per year of training. This was decided by the Mitte district on Friday. The demand for the approximately 400,000 employees of the metal and electrical industry in Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland and Thuringia corresponds to the recommendation of the union's board of directors, which wants to make a final decision after discussions in the regional bargaining committees collective in July. 9no.

“IG Metall did not make a careless demand, but rather took a very careful look at the economic situation of the companies and the employees,” said Jörg Köhlinger, district manager and negotiator at IG Metall Mitte. The demand for tariffs was preceded by intense discussions in the companies. The result is clear: employees need more money to offset the rising costs and increase their purchasing power.

Ralph Wangemann, negotiator of the Hessenmetall employers' association, criticized: “IG Metall ignores the average situation of Hesse companies, despite understanding the concerns of employees, it is incomprehensible” that IG Metall Mitte has one of the highest salary demands “in the midst of the recent recession, although he himself warns about deindustrialization.”

You can read more information about warning attacks on the following pages.

yk/with dpa