Birth is always similar, but it is individual. Midwives play an important role in this.
Image: Patrick Junker/Laif

Overcrowded delivery rooms, too few staff – the future midwife explains why she chose her specialty anyway. And what would he change in the system to offer more support to mothers.

FIt was always clear to me that I wanted to be a midwife. I think the most beautiful thing is to witness the progress that women make during this harsh experience. How they eventually grow out of themselves. I often see women in the delivery room who say: “I can't take it anymore, I don't want to anymore!” And then they find the last reserves within themselves and do it. Afterwards, they feel so good and happy and strong that they really made it and made it through. And only that joy after the little creature they carried for nine or ten months is finally here.

This change of mood in the room is magical. It means so much to me to walk down the aisle with a woman and be at this important moment in her life. During and after this, it is very enriching to know that you are or were a good support. It's the same process every time you give birth, but it's always individual, always different, so it's never boring and I can always learn something new. And I just love babies.