On “Kölner Treff”: When it comes to her younger boyfriend, Michelle gets angry: “I don't care.”

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He has been on stage for over 30 years. Now singer Michelle is ending her career. In the WDR talk show “Kölner Treff”, he looks back on his life. He says of the hit industry, “It's always been superficial.” He gets angry about a private question.

He seems relaxed. He has lived a long life as a star. Now he says goodbye. Singer Michelle (52) leaves the stage. “I was looking for love and I got love,” she says. “I think the audience that we have on stage gives so much love back. If we're real and pour love out, it comes back. I got so much love back and I was able to make so many people happy – what job do you get to do that?

Michelle has found peace within herself. He has been looking for it for a long time. Now it's time for him to go. “At the end of the day, life is about closing certain doors to do what your heart says,” the singer explains on WDR's “Kölner Treff” talk show on Friday night. He always did what made him happy, not what people outside wanted him to do.

He asked himself for a long time whether he could be happy in the broadcasting industry. “And I just can't do it anymore. I think I'm at the point now where I want to say: This is my last album. I want to close the door on that and focus on things that are more in my heart now, that make me happier than staying in this industry.” It's her three children and her Eric. And soon it will be her first grandchild. Still: she's happy about her time in show business. “Thank you, God, for this wonderful journey,” she says.

Stroke, suicide attempt, personal bankruptcy, Michelle keeps rising

He was 20 years old when he released his first single. “And tonight I want to dance,” it says. The album isn't selling well yet, but it's playing up and down on the radio. And it gave him his first television appearances. In 2001, he participated in the Eurovision Song Contest. He reached #8 with “Who Lives Love.” But he had already experienced a lot there. He grew up in a foster family and experienced violence as a child. He later breaks out and lives on the streets.

Even as a star, he just wasn't lucky. In 2003, he suffered a minor stroke from which he fully recovered. He suffers from depression and tries to take his own life. In 2008, he had to file for personal bankruptcy. He pulls back several times and plans to quit. But he always picks himself up and returns to the spotlight. “I've accomplished everything in this industry,” he says looking back, “but now it's my turn.”

There's still a tour coming up and he's still releasing an album. The first single has been on the market since Friday. “Floodlight” is the title. In it, Michelle sings: “I'm looking for myself in the spotlight, even if I'm blind – I'll be a fighter.” At the beginning of the video, you will see captions and pictures from his broadcasting career showing how he was doing. fight to be satisfied now to go on stage.

When it comes to her younger boyfriend, Michelle gets angry: “I don't care.”

“It was always superficial,” says Michelle. He was very trusting, especially at the beginning of his career. “To me it was a huge family, everyone was friends. But you quickly realized that it wasn't the family you really wanted or saw through rose-colored glasses. I noticed that very quickly.”

It's different now. She has been in a relationship with Eric Philipp for a year. She is 25 years younger than the singer, which made some headlines. But this leaves Michelle cold. He knew from the first hug: it was right. “Everyone has the right to judge, everyone can say what they want, everyone must express their opinion, regardless of whether it is negative or positive. But I can't do it.”

Does Michelle have any regrets in her life? “I'm really, really happy that it's been such a rollercoaster and sometimes it's made me sick. But I think I'd do it all over again.

This post “When it comes to her younger boyfriend, Michelle gets angry: 'It's not important to me'” was originally from Teleschau.

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