Why is the Czech National Bank increasing its gold reserves?

The Czech National Bank, headed by Ales Michl, plans a massive increase in its gold reserves. The main reason is to increase profitability. Currently, the bank has high losses and low returns on its foreign exchange reserves. The purchase of gold and shares is aimed at improving profitability. Michl considers this a necessary measure to ensure the bank's financial stability.

What role does gold play in the strategy of the Czech National Bank?

Gold serves as a diversification tool for the Czech National Bank. In addition to the planned allocation of 30 percent of foreign exchange reserves to stocks, gold is intended to offset losses caused by the appreciation of the Czech crown. Gold is a safe haven and stabilises the portfolio, especially in times of economic uncertainty. Ales Michl has already increased his gold reserves from 10 to more than 30 tonnes and plans to increase them to 100 tonnes within five years.

Are other European countries also interested in increasing their gold reserves?

Yes, other European countries are also showing interest in increasing their gold reserves. A prominent example is the Polish central bank, which has also significantly expanded its gold holdings. This trend is not limited to Europe. A survey by the World Gold Council shows that 81 percent of central banks surveyed worldwide believe that global gold holdings will increase. 29 percent specifically plan to increase their gold reserves in the next 12 months.

What global trends support the decision to buy gold?

The decision to buy gold is supported by several global trends. In an increasingly fragmented world, many central banks view gold as a safe investment. It provides stability in times of geopolitical uncertainty and economic volatility. In particular, emerging countries are increasing their gold holdings to protect themselves against potential currency crises. Gold is valued as a universal means of payment that can be used across various currency zones.

What does rising gold reserves mean for investors?

For investors, rising central bank gold reserves represent a confirmation of gold's value as a long-term investment. When central banks buy gold, this stabilizes the gold price and builds confidence in the precious metal's value. Therefore, pullbacks in gold prices provide good buying opportunities, as central bank demand serves as a strong support. Investors should take this as a signal to consider gold as part of their portfolio.