ZDF Spam: 'You Must Check': Possible Counterfeit Makes 'Cash for Rares' Dealers Uneasy

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Woodcut by Albrecht Dürer – “Money for the rare” expert had not seen anything so fine for a long time. Only dealers doubted the authenticity of this object.

On Monday's edition of ZDF's junk show “Bares für Rares”, Sarah from Cologne wanted to get rid of her inheritance because “it's just not nice”. Expert Friederike Werner, on the other hand, had not seen anything so fine for a long time. But in the dealer's room there was a doubt about the authenticity and therefore only “reservation” sale…

“It's not really my thing,” admitted the saleswoman, who discovered the object while cleaning her grandmother's basement. “But the name is a bit familiar to me,” Sarah explained why she put the picture on the show, “It doesn't only cost two marks and fifty . . .”

First, expert Friederike Werner had to take a closer look. Using white gloves, UV light and cardboard strips, Werner examined the image. Their subsequent verdict: it is clearly a woodcut by Albrecht Dürer and “the best you can find in this country.”

“No bullshit?” Lichter said, but according to expert opinion, the original cut was actually from “Dürer's lifetime.” And as the moderator knew, he hadn't “been with us very long.” The woodcut was designed by a famous Renaissance artist around 1505 and then printed in 1511.

A page from a 20-part series on the life of Mary showed the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, published as part of a book in 1511. One indication that it was indeed an original from the first book was the watermark. During the 16th century, the book was printed several times – but with different watermarks.

Werner was greatly impressed by the so-called repoussoir figure, which introduced the viewer to the action taking place in the temple. “I think it's amazing,” enthused the expert, overwhelmed by the amount of outstanding art on his desk. The monogram AD of the famous artist could also be seen on the column hugging the figure.

“We really have Dürer here,” Werner reiterated, and Lichter remarked, “My doctor is over the moon.” But how much was the woodcut worth? In any case, they did not ask for 2.50 DM, but 1500 euros. Werner even estimated 3,500-4,000 euros, because the condition was also in “tip-top condition”.

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“Oh, a little page by Albrecht Dürer,” marveled dealer Julian Schmitz-Avila. “We mustn't touch it now,” the dealer warned in awe. “Wow, Dürer,” David Suppes was also surprised by the “big name” because “we rarely have anything like that here.” But the dealers wanted proof that the paper was actually real.

“Is there authentication?” Schmitz-Avila asked saleswoman Saara. But it could only be used based on the results of a special watermark examination in 1511. However, the dealer would have preferred an Albrecht Dürer specialist report.

After that, Steve Mandel also spoke up, warning of the problem: “Many of these papers appear in stores as fakes.” And Schmitz-Avila nodded anxiously. “You have to check it out.” Still, he reportedly started with €1,000 for the historic paper, leading to a bidding duel with colleague Susanne Steiger.

Schmitz-Avila made the highest offer of 3,000 euros, but immediately added the condition that he would like to have the page certified after the purchase. Suppes explained, “So there's a conditional sale.” But the saleswoman was not worried about the possible fake and agreed. So he got 500 euros in advance. Schmitz-Avila wanted to transfer the rest after the exam.

Money for the rare: Deutsche Bahn's headquarters pleases Horst Lichter

Another sale item was a ring that had never been worn. However, expert Patrick Lessmann could not agree to the desired price of 1,000 euros, because the gold granulation was only imitated from cast parts. The expert estimated the ring made of 585 gold from the 1960s at only 450 to 500 euros, so the seller preferred to take the ring home.

A train driver from the Deutsche Bahn depot cheered Horst Lichter – “a grenade,” he cheered. The recommended price for objects from the period 1958-1980 was 500 euros. Sven Deutschmanek estimated 400-500 euros and Steve Mandel 350 euros.

Friederike Werner dated the design for the Madonna-like bronze (“Charité”) by French sculptor Paul Dubois to 1877 (production 1880s). The requested amount was 500 to 800 euros. Werner estimated between €800 and €1,000, and Julian Schmitz-Avila ended up paying €1,300.

The adidas company distributed a DFB autograph with all the signatures of the German team to the sponsors of the 1990 World Cup. The sellers wanted 1,000 euros for the limited collector's item. Sven Deutschmanek estimated the value at 800-1000 euros. Dealer Jan Cizek insured the skin for 810 euros.

Patrick Lessmann dated the 1970s 585 white gold set consisting of a ring and chain with a pendant set with sapphires, emeralds, diamonds and cultured pearls. The asking price was 800 euros, Lessmann estimated 1,050 euros and David Suppes paid 1,350 euros.

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The original of this article You Must Check: Possible Counterfeits Trouble “Money Rares Dealers” is from Teleschau.

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