A business owner from Aberdeenshire, Scotland, has established an unusual working pattern: his pest control company only employs people over 50 years of age.

Peter Stewart (64) believes that older workers “understand better what is important” and work more efficiently. The youngest member of his team is 55 years old, the age range goes up to 71, reports the Daily Mail. The average age in his company is 61 years old.

Boss: “The kids couldn't cope with the work”

“I'm not saying it always turns out well, but in the past I've had problems with people in their 30s who couldn't cope with the work. Younger people spend too much time on their mobile phones. But there is no time for Instagram or Facebook,” said the businessman.

In his experience, many young people are “shy” and have difficulty maintaining direct eye contact. He praises his senior team as “adaptable”, “excellent” and “compassionate”. He has complete trust in her and does not need to constantly monitor her.

The case of a 90-year-old retiree who, at his age, still has to work to buy something to eat has recently caused a stir.

In Germany, Labor Minister Hubertus Heil is planning a pension reform. His goal is to especially benefit older people who want, or even need, to continue working after retirement. Companies could now create additional incentives. You can find more information on this topic here.