The ZDF report on Russian-occupied Mariupol is causing confusion and strong criticism. Under the title “A rare look at the Russian occupation”, correspondent Armin Coerper broadcast live from the Ukrainian city on Monday and answered questions from viewers.

The ZDF man stressed that they “do not recognize the Russian occupation”. But the correspondent's further statements apparently disturbed some viewers. Coerper spoke of “a lot of destruction” he had seen in the city. But he also sees “a lot of reconstruction” in Mariupol, including “schools and whole apartment buildings.” “Mariupol is not a ghost town,” the correspondent explained. “Russia is pumping a lot of money into it.”

Strong criticism of ZDF's Mariupol report: “I'm just horrified”

A mess on social media quickly followed. “I'm just horrified,” Vitsche, a spokesman for the German Ukrainian Association, wrote to X. “The article normalizes the Russian occupation,” added Krista-Marija Läbe.

Criticism also came from Eastern European expert Sergej Sumlenny from the “European Resilience Initiative Center” about the fact that Russia has occupied the city.” And further: “This whole thing looks like a bad parody… What the hell is this, ZDF?”

ZDF reacts: “Take criticism of reporting seriously”

Now ZDF is responding to the criticism. When asked by FOCUS Internet, the broadcaster replied: “ZDF takes seriously the criticism of the report from Mariupol. Moscow studio director Armin Coerper traveled to Mariupol to get an independent picture of the situation in the occupied territories in violation of international law as a journalist. He reports on a city that was completely destroyed by the Russian war of aggression and its forced Russification .

At the same time, ZDF emphasizes that Armin Coerper has clearly stated that opponents of the Russian occupation must fear reprisals if they speak to a Western journalist. And again: “ZDF never left any doubt in its reports from Ukraine that Mariupol is territory illegally occupied by Russia and who is the aggressor and the victim in this war.”

The broadcaster also points out that in the same program, another reporter from Odessa covered Ukraine's point of view on the territories occupied by Russia and the situation of internally displaced persons in Ukraine.

The sender calls the correspondent's wording “incomprehensible”

Still, the broadcaster admits that Coerper's wording of “the city is working” was a “misunderstanding.” “Merely citing this quote gives only an abbreviated impression of the impression described,” said a ZDF spokesperson. Rather, Armin Coerper describes how Russia is trying to create an impression of normality and reconstruction with significant financial resources.

In the early months of the war, Mariupol became a symbol of Russia's destruction of Ukraine. From a former population of almost 440,000, almost no one lives in the city today; many died during the Russian siege or fled.