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“Wholesale electricity prices have dropped significantly compared to 2022. However, the price level is higher than before the Russian war of aggression. Nothing will change so quickly,” said Klaus Müller, president of the Federal Network Agency, in a recent interview. And he also emphasized: “The era of cheap energy is over. At least as long as we continue to consume large amounts of conventionally generated energy.”

Households in many regions will have to prepare for an increase in electricity prices starting in March. Of the 164 suppliers in Germany, 87 plan price increases in March and another 19 in April. Only 19 energy operators plan to reduce prices, according to an evaluation by the comparison portal Verivox, which FOCUS can access online. The newspaper “Bild” was the first to report on the analysis.

The comparative portal based its calculation on the annual consumption (4,000 kilowatt hours) of a home of three people. On average, those affected have to pay 172 euros more per year.

The price increase is most notable in the EnBW Energy Baden-Württemberg outside. Customers should expect electricity prices to be 22.5 percent higher than in April. The average household still pays 1,634 euros in March, but starting in April it will be 2,002 euros. With a consumption of 4000 kilowatt hours, the additional expense is 368 euros. Calculated per month, it is almost 31 euros more.

Also the clients of the WSW Energy and Water We have to wait for higher prices. The price increase is 15.6 percent. A household of three people will pay 267 euros more starting March 1.

Both Trostberg Municipal Utilities Prices will increase by ten percent starting in April. Households have to pay 147 euros more for their annual electricity consumption.

“Suppliers with price increases cite increased electricity grid rates, acquisition costs and fees as reasons,” says Verena Bloche, press spokesperson for Verivox. “We still don't see any price increases for new electricity customers this year.” It's worth changing. According to calculations by Germany's two largest comparison portals, new customers can get cheap electricity from just 27 cents per kilowatt hour.

Why are electricity costs rising for many utility providers?

The new heating law is causing the current price increase. Municipalities and cities must convert and complete their heating planning by 2045. Then every new heating system in Germany should be powered by renewable energy.

In light of high spending on their grid infrastructure, leading municipal and municipal utility companies have announced that they will increase grid rates per kilowatt hour of electricity in the coming years. The revenue should then be used to expand heating networks.

This is how households stop the price explosion

To maximize savings potential, households should know the cheapest labor prices from suppliers in their area. Comparison portals, consumer protection centers or a call to the energy supplier can help. The ideal is that you save several hundred euros a year.

FOCUS online advises: Check price guarantees and price match clauses. If you commit to the supplier for two years and they only give you a three-month price guarantee, you would have to pay more for electricity from the fourth month onwards in case the price increases. Also applicable: A transfer bonus is often applied for the first year. If it stops applying after the 13th month, base rates and kilowatt-hour prices may increase.