97889 64456 72312 47532 85224 72311 99738 05314 18822 88877 83701 91188 72106 98803 83485 70762 67561 00923 55229 06479 57972 59061 74949 93171 14807 03728 86417 14924 55271 76483 09709 80826 48003 69756 41326 33857 90179 16007 50123 74390 32549 30315 44217 63317 75601 80709 41762 62320 18455 61834 28274 17965 11564 40730 97515 38882 00045 18375 34435 87730 65633 86354 42635 03181 37624 00288 29224 98754 64198 42645 13159 80277 57942 84214 09885 11406 37363 27238 16160 82824 82750 03902 45252 98749 86602 85405 74120 11069 70749 63642 54482 33973 81058 25338 11638 53184 38067 75862 58160 05931 81160 94118 63131 11678 37627 13358 15577 41533 20376 02073 54475 97260 40548 91470 84971 47067 00960 20371 54295 32383 70544 08125 72446 96640 07075 16165 30869 08344 20223 85830 11652 84248 58240 18720 83640 74865 63798 26432 11368 91553 98930 40390 63732 07578 52004 83379 91665 87295 27594 70342 33614 00445 56766 74846 32119 67664 51801 34739 44392 32414 80290 43295 50949 32938 59188 82226 64963 12065 07486 96473 17151 41690 05059 80565 72757 89563 68610 87113 78719 74762 26213 13426 23716 54025 70952 73308 30338 98371 80443 39662 15506 33308 53719 47268 57523 71539 98084 43052 68615 92226 35372 86296 82533 08533 12606 77475 19780 50069 42332 94775 84463 97795 86712 89454 36026 27730 87899 25252 69813 38682 The specific names of the criminals are still mentioned in the program "File number XY...". - BABY-ACE

“We've been given a name,” Fabian Puchelt of the Bavarian State Criminal Police says happily. Puchelt's task in the manhunt show “XY-unsolved” is to summarize the information received on the cases shown on the show by phone for the viewers right before the end of the show. “The name has already been revised,” explains Puchelt. How the police proceed with such an investigation is a “trade secret”. It only turns out that the police are checking whether the person in question is in the file. However, this case in question is so unusual that notes in a police file are hardly conceivable. “To this day, the police do not know whether it was one or two criminals,” explains host Rudi Cerne. “This is a mysterious crime.” On November 4, 2021, a woman heard a strange noise in her kitchen from her 77-year-old neighbor's apartment on Johannisstrasse in Flensburg-Jürgensby and called the police. What happened?

An unknown man beat a 77-year-old woman in her apartment

Around 9:45 p.m., a 77-year-old woman was talking on the phone in her living room until she heard a knock on the apartment door. He opened the door, and a young, slim, dark-type man immediately slammed it shut several times. He wanted her to shut up, she remembers. And also that it seemed to him as if a 20-25-year-old man was talking to another person, an accomplice. The man then fled, but returned to the apartment soon after, causing the elderly woman to lock herself in her toilet. A few minutes later, when it was quiet, he climbed out of the toilet window, ran around the house, returned to his apartment through the now open patio door and called 911. Mobile phone, money – nothing was stolen. “We also have no concrete evidence of a criminal who could have been angry with the woman,” explains Anja Rattay from the Flensburg police and is now hoping for a tip. (Fee for information: 5000 euros, Kripo Flensburg: 0461-4845566)

Lots of insider knowledge about the bank robbery

At the end of the show, the police had also received a specific name in the case of the brutal attack on the Sparkasse branch in Neuss. “It's always good to know a name,” says police officer Fabian Puchelt. “Sometimes little mistakes happen. Something always happens at some point.” The minor flaw in this case was that one of the perpetrators briefly pulled the scarf off his face in the heat of the attack. The mug shot is pretty accurate. The younger of the two perpetrators is between 18 and 30 years old and about 1.85 meters tall. His job was to keep 15 people away from the branch with his pistol . “It's pure insanity, there's no other way to describe the incident,” says moderator Cerne. “The man is armed and very nervous.” In fact, the duo had a lot of inside information on November 9, 2022 at 8:30 a.m. But the police investigation has so far yielded nothing. “We did not find any trace of a possible insider,” explains Patrick Waclawowicz from the Neuss Police Department.

Secret room or getaway car?

The two criminals stayed at the Uedesheimerstrasse bank in Neuss-Norf for a full 3:15 minutes and were very familiar with the situation. The manager grabbed a special vault key fob from the counter and specially opened the corresponding doors with the corresponding keys. He also knew that the safe was in the basement. The criminals were also informed that when the alarm is triggered by the employees, the security center will call back and the phone ring will be different from the normal signal. It is also conceivable for the police that the getaway car was driven by a third criminal. “But it can also happen,” says policeman Waclawowisz, “that the criminals hid in a room after committing the crime.” The question is, “Who was renting the space in the area immediately before the crime?” there is one hint A reward of 10,000 euros is offered. (Neuss Police Station, 02131-30019191)

The police are looking for the pusher “Hans”

There is a heavy iron bar in the broadcast studio. “It's the original pole,” explains host Cerne. A man named “Hansi” is said to have used this rod to brutally crush his companion's skull. To this day, the then 29-year-old, known to everyone as “Heidi,” suffers from the effects. The incident takes place in the homosexual milieu of Cologne. Heidi was in Attendorn Prison for several offenses and was on holiday at the time of the incident. On the night of June 13, he stayed at a night club called Hotel TimP with an as-yet-unknown companion and left around 3:40 a.m. on Saturday morning. Apparently, he set out with the pusher “Hans”. The cold case dates back to 1986 and ends with “Heidi” being seriously injured in the shell of a building on Ehrenstrasse in Cologne.

Wait for the experts to be silent

To this day, “Heidi” remembers only fragments of the attack. Construction workers found him in the morning and called the police. After the attack, the victim was missing his wallet, watch and ring. The gold ring is engraved “7.8.77, Manfred”. Markus Weber of the Cologne Police Department considers the crime an “attempted robbery”. He really wants to find “Hans” – as a witness and a potential criminal – even after 38 years. The 1.75 meter tall man is probably in his early 60s today. At that time, she moved around the Düsseldorf area and performed prostitution in train stations all over the country. Officer Weber does not lose hope. Because he knows: “There are people who stay silent for years and then have several reasons why they don't stay silent anymore.” (Notes to Cologne Police: 0221-2290)

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