In September 2022, it became known that Crown Princess Amalia was the victim of a kidnapping. After a year and a half, the 20-year-old is now taking a bold step. According to the media, Amalia lives in Amsterdam again.

Being a princess sure sounds nice, but probably no one would want to trade places with Amalia, 20, from the Netherlands. The eldest daughter of King Willem-Alexander (56) and Queen Máxima (52) wanted to study at the University of Amsterdam in September 2022. The recordings of the heir to the throne's – seemingly carefree – journey to the first lecture are unforgettable. A few hours later it became known: the crown princess was in great danger – a criminal organization planned to kidnap her in order to then extort a ransom. The granddaughter of Princess Beatrix (86) then packed up all the tents, moved back to the palace in The Hague and was completely shielded for security reasons. 17 months later, the 20-year-old woman is now taking a bold step.

Report: Amalia is now living in Amsterdam again

As Dutch newspaper “Het Parool” claims to have learned, citing several sources, the 20-year-old has now moved out of Huis ten Bosch and is once again living in Amsterdam. Although a spokesperson for the Government Information Service would not confirm or deny the move “in the interests of the princess's privacy”, a neighbor told the paper: “I am very happy for her to be able to live here again.” That Amalia One and a half years after their radical retreat, they dare to make a new start and want to put the drama surrounding the so-called “Mokromafia” behind them, underlines their strength and resilience. In her home country, many people showed solidarity with the heir to the Dutch throne, presenter Linda de Mol (59) even designed a T-shirt with the words “Love Amalia” – and raved about the young woman. On her second try, the next Queen of the Netherlands will hopefully find her luck in the nation's capital.

Amalia's move involves strict security measures

According to the daily “Het Parool”, a whole apparatus was being prepared for the move of the Dutch crown princess. Numerous newly installed cameras begin to monitor every corner of the house. The bodyguards of the heir to the throne were also spotted on several occasions. The fact that security measures are set at an extremely high level is understandable only after the events of the last few months. Ultimately, they want to allow Amalia to live as normal a life as possible until she takes over the throne.