Only a few German citizens see the interests of workers in good hands with the FDP and Green coalition parties. According to a representative survey by the opinion research institute YouGov for the German Press Agency, only four percent of Germans have the impression that the FDP particularly cares about the interests of the working population.

When asked which of the parties represented in the Bundestag cares most about the interests of workers, five percent of respondents mentioned the Greens, the Left and the new Sahra Wagenknecht alliance.

Voters especially trust the Union's labor policy

19 percent point in particular to the CDU and CSU as guardians of the interests of working people. 15 percent of voters see the SPD as ahead on this issue, 14 percent see the AfD.

The high number of undecided responses could indicate that a considerable proportion of the population has the impression that none of these parties pays special attention to the interests of workers.

When asked who cares most about employee needs, 33 percent of respondents did not know the answer or did not provide any information.

AfD performs better in the east

The commitment of the SPD and the CDU/CSU to the interests of the working population was valued higher in the West than in the East. By contrast, AfD values ​​were higher in the east. Otherwise, there were not very big differences between East and West.

Between April 5 and 10, 2013, 2,013 adults with German citizenship participated in the survey.