Viewers' criticism: Elton's ProSieben kicking out: Now Matthias Opdenhövel is a col

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The news that Matthias Opdenhövel will replace Elton as host of “Schschlag den Star” is making huge waves. After the announcement, Elton strongly criticized ProSieben. But his successor is now also in the line of fire of fans.

In recent years, a change of host has hardly caused as much buzz as the new line-up of “Schlag den Star” with host Elton.

The successful show has been hosted by Elton for the last eight years. On Wednesday, ProSieben announced that Matthias Opdenhövel, who had already moderated the program in 2010 and previously also in the original format “Schlag den Raab”, will return to the Saturday evening program.

First of all, a rather unflattering announcement. But a few hours later, Elton himself shared a statement on the matter that was harsh: He explained that he was not leaving the show voluntarily, and that the broadcaster had not even personally informed him of the decision. “I'm really speechless, angry, but above all, very sad,” she lamented on Instagram.

“Beat the Star” fans rage against Matthias Opdenhövel

In doing so, Elton gets a lot of “Beat the Star” fans on his side. Many online viewers have been upset by the alleged unfair treatment of Elton, who has worked at ProSieben for 23 years. Some fans have even announced that they will boycott the show going forward.

But it's not just the station that feels the wrath of many viewers. Matthias Opdenhövel, Elton's successor, is also heavily criticized. Shortly after the announcement, the 53-year-old took to Instagram to share a post about his new/old job – Matthias is clearly happy to be back at “Schlag den Star”. But it is this reaction that many users resent in light of Elton's great disappointment. “I look forward to every show with you. But not at Elton's expense. A collegial no would have been appropriate here,” writes one user, for example. But the money is probably right!” another person blames him. “Who steals the show?” new variant,” the next person joked in the comments section below his post.

Criticized unfairly? Matthias Opdenhövel's post came hours before Elton's

His followers repeatedly accuse Matthias Opdenhövel of lacking empathy for Elton: “The timing of this post is not very sensitive.” Matthias shared his Instagram post several hours before Elton's angry statement. Therefore, it is highly questionable whether the “Masked Singer” host was aware of Elton's anger at the time of his post.

In fact, there are also some voices online defending Matthias. According to the newspaper, those responsible for ProSieben contacted the host Matthias Opdenhövel weeks ago in the background, who will now take over the work of Elton's “Beat the Star”.

“I also don't think it's cool how ProSieben is treating Elton. But Matthias is the least capable of doing anything about it. So take your frustration out on ProSieben. I feel sorry for Opd that he can moderate this show again,” is for example, one comment. “Why say no? The rules of the game are different. If I get an interesting job offer, I won't turn it down,” defended another fan.

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This article “Elton's ProSieben expulsion: now Matthias Opdenhövel is the bogeyman” was originally from