In the previous episode of Let's Dance, juror Joachim Llambi (59) announced that a change of partners is imminent in the sixth episode on Friday, April 12, 2024. This means the celebs will have to dance with a different professional than usual – but only for this one edition. RTL had already announced a few days ago with whom everyone will be floating over the “Let's Dance” floor.

Lulu Lewe and Alexandru Ionel have “two different systems”

Singer Lulu Lewe (32), who is actually the dance partner of Massimo Sinató (43), was assigned to Alexandru Ioneli (29). This season, she usually dances with fitness influencer Sophia Thiel, 29. Lulu Lewe and Alexandru Ionel should present Slowfox together. But while they seem to get along really well on a personal level, training together wasn't entirely stress-free, as both revealed in an interview. “We had a little crisis, but not a bad crisis. It was all still humorous and good, but we felt that we got into a bit of a fight because we have two different systems,” Alexandru Ionel explains somewhat cryptically to RTL.

What's behind it? First things first: Lulu Lewe and Alexandru Ionel had already danced the Cha-Cha-Chat together in the introductory show. The musician was anything but unhappy when he learned that the two would be getting back together by switching partners: “I was really happy it was going to be really funny, you're saying things all the time. And then Slowfox came along…damn!”

During training, the first dilemma arose: “Suddenly – and I always put a lot of pressure on myself – nothing was working anymore,” reports Lulu Lewe. Sometimes this tension disappears again after a short break – but not this time: “Somehow this pressure remained the whole time. And I also noticed that it made you tense.” Another problem quickly became clear: the “two different systems” mentioned by Alexandru Ionel. He and Lulu Lewe don't approach training entirely differently.

Dance pro Alexandru Ionel: “Disaster!”

“I wanted to memorize the choreography first, the steps and everything. But he wouldn't let me take any steps without getting into position and doing everything,” says Lulu Lewe. But the dance pro doesn't think so: «We have so-called muscle memory. And the bad things are also stored in this muscle memory. And relearning it is a disaster!” So if you practice the steps in the wrong position, you will memorize them accordingly.

At last a little despair seemed to strike both of them. Lulu Lewe says, “At one point he just stood there and said, 'What?' Why can't you do that with your attitude?' And I said, “I have no idea!” And Alexandru Ionel asked himself, “Dude, are you really stupid?” That you can't even get access to him to somehow teach him properly so he can apply it. Because he does everything differently than you want.” Eventually, the duo figured things out. At the last training and rehearsal, Lulu Lewe's performance was “awesome,” emphasizes the dance ace. “And that's why I'm so relieved.”

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