Billionaires under the age of 30 did not earn their wealth themselves, but rather inherited it. This is reported by “Forbes”. This was last the case in 2009.

Livia Voigt (19) is considered the youngest billionaire

The youngest billionaire is the Brazilian Livia Voigt (19). According to Forbes, she has a minority stake in WEG Insudtries. According to the article, it is an electronics manufacturer. Voigt's late grandfather co-founded it. The 19-year-old has a net worth of $1.1 billion.

There is also a German on the list: Luise Fielmann. According to the article, the 29-year-old has a fortune of $2.7 billion. Her father is the businessman Günther Fielmann, who died in January of this year. She is said to own around a third of the shares of Fielmann AG. Her brother Marc (34) runs the company. There is also Kevin David Lehmann (21), who was given a 50 percent stake in the pharmacy brand dm-drogerie markt by his father when he was 14. His fortune is said to be $3.3 billion.

There are also some brothers on the list of the youngest billionaires. Including the children of Leonardo Del Vecchio. According to The Guardian, he died in 2022 and was the founder of luxury sunglasses maker Luxottica. His three children each have a 12.5 percent stake in the Delfin holding company. The brothers are said to each have a fortune of $4.7 billion.

Forbes: More billionaires than ever

In the coming years, the children of billionaires will inherit enormous sums of money: the consulting firm Cerulli Associates estimates that the next generation will inherit a total of 70 trillion dollars in the next 20 years, writes “The Guardian.”

According to Forbes, there are more billionaires than ever: a total of 2,781, and they are also richer than ever, with a total fortune of $14.2 trillion. Taylor Swift, who entered the list for the first time, is now one of the super rich.