EThe investigation into an alleged arson attempt in Dresden has taken a surprising turn. According to police and prosecutors, the alleged victim, a 25-year-old man, tied himself to a bed frame and set the mattress on fire in November. He wanted to frame his then-girlfriend for the crime.

The 19-year-old was initially in custody but has now been released “immediately” due to the new findings. Instead, the 25-year-old is now being investigated for aggravated arson and false suspicion. There is also a charge of deprivation of liberty, as the woman was taken into custody through her own fault due to her willful false statements.

25-year-old in custody

According to the investigators, on November 16, the defendant handcuffed himself to the bed in his apartment and set fire to the mattress. As the fire spread, he first fled to the balcony of the apartment, dragging the bed frame with him. Because of the intense heat, he then went to the balcony of the apartment with the bed frame.

Firefighters found a 25-year-old man there, who was released from his bed and taken to hospital with serious injuries. As he then blamed his girlfriend for the crime, he was arrested and taken into custody the same day on suspicion of attempted murder.

As police and prosecutors announced on Wednesday, subsequent investigations revealed “contradictions” that led to a very different picture of the alleged events. Accordingly, the accused acted with the intention of accusing his then partner of a crime.

Investigators did not comment on the man's possible motives. They said he had no comment on the allegations. A 25-year-old man was taken into custody on Tuesday based on a court order.