In May 2023, Uganda passed an “anti-homosexuality law.” The Constitutional Court has rejected a lawsuit brought by human rights activists.

A couple covers themselves with a Pride flag

In Uganda, the Constitutional Court has upheld a controversial anti-gay law Photo: dpa/ap

KAMPALA afp | Uganda's Constitutional Court has dismissed a lawsuit against the internationally criticized anti-LGBTQ law. The “Anti-Homosexuality Law of 2023” passed last May will not be repealed or suspended, the Kampala court stated on Wednesday.

Under the law, “engagement in homosexual acts” is punishable by life in prison and “serious homosexuality” is punishable by death. Among other things, the law provides for the death penalty for homosexuals convicted of rape or sexual relations with minors or disabled people.

The death penalty has not been used in Uganda for a long time, so in practice this means life imprisonment. Individuals or groups who advocate for homosexuals, such as LGBT activist groups, can be sentenced to up to 20 years in prison.

Human rights activists, jurists and parliamentarians from the ruling party had demanded the law. The plaintiffs see the law as a violation of human rights, as well as the right to protection against discrimination and the right to privacy guaranteed by Uganda's constitution.

In May 2023, Uganda passed one of its harshest anti-gay laws, despite protests abroad. The presiding judge said the law was essentially compatible with fundamental rights. The ruling can still be appealed to the Supreme Court.