The Middle East conflict is not only causing unrest at Humboldt University: a pro-Palestine demonstration on Thursday in front of the Free University of Berlin
Image: Reuters

The house ban initially applies for three months, but can be extended. At Humboldt University, pro-Palestinian activists disrupt a panel discussion and shout down an Israeli judge.

Et is news that will spread like wildfire in Israel: an Israeli judge is being shouted down at a German university. About 20 pro-Palestinian activists disrupted an event at Berlin's Humboldt University (HU) on Thursday, which was also attended by Israeli Supreme Court judge Daphne Barak-Erez.

Heike Schmoll

Political correspondent in Berlin, responsible for “Bildungswelten”.

The panel discussion on the topic “Constitutional Challenges – Judging in a Constitutional Democracy” was part of the “Hertie Futures Forum” of the Hertie School, the University of Münster and the HU. The organizers tolerated the pro-Palestinian activists reading a statement after the panel guests had introduced themselves. While the activists forced the audience to listen, they shouted down the Israeli judge when she tried to respond. The discussion was stopped in agreement with the organizers and the panel guests. It was continued on a smaller scale at a later date.