EA 22-year-old man who allegedly kidnapped an 18-year-old Berlin woman in Baden-Württemberg is accused of rape and other crimes. The 18-year-old did not suffer serious injuries requiring hospital treatment, a spokesman for the Offenburg prosecutor's office told the German Press Agency on Tuesday.

Where the young woman was was initially left open: “For the sake of privacy, we are not providing information about the victim at this time,” the police and the prosecutor's office said together at the request.

Investigators already announced on Monday that an 18-year-old man was allegedly kidnapped by an acquaintance who was vacationing in the southwest, held for several days and raped. A previously missing woman was found in an apartment in Kinzigtal in the Black Forest on Friday.

The suspect, who is from Lahr, Baden, is in custody. The 22-year-old German has no previous convictions, the spokesperson of the State Prosecutor's Office announced. Investigators say there is no evidence of anyone else.

He allegedly threatened her with a gun

It also remained unclear where exactly the woman was found in Kinzigtal. He underwent a medical examination and was cared for at Offenburg police headquarters. According to the preliminary investigation, they met while on vacation. They arranged to meet at the 18-year-old's apartment in Berlin, but then the young woman disappeared.

The suspect allegedly threatened the 18-year-old with a gun and tied him up in his apartment. He then drove her to Kinzigtal and held her against her will in the apartment. Investigators said Monday that he raped her there multiple times. The suspect was detained at the location of the apartment.