An MP announced that the Wagenknecht group could approve AfD proposals in the future. It would be a change of direction for the young party.

Andrej Hunko at the Easter March rally in Herne, with a microphone in his hand.  Behind him is a man with a guitar in front of a music stand, next to him is a young woman with sunglasses.

Andrej Hunko at the Easter march in Herne Photo: Uwe Ernst/Funke Photo/imago

In mid-March, the Bundestag debated a proposal from the AfD. The far-right faction called for a “Bundestag right of veto on arms exports to conflict and war zones.” The proposal was rejected by a large majority of all other groups and political groups. But if Andrej Hunko is to be believed, the far-right party could in the future receive support from members of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW).

at an event Overton-The former left-wing politician recently commented in the magazine how his BSW group in the Bundestag wanted to react to AfD proposals whose content they agreed with. “The content of the applications is good,” Deputy Hunko said clearly, “we will no longer reject them.” And he added: “Of course not, without submitting your own application.” The BSW group recently agreed. As an example, he expressly cited the AfD motion on parliamentary reserves for arms exports to war and crisis zones.

the event of OvertonThe magazine was titled “The country needs a left-wing politics” and is available online. It was the BSW course. The Sahra Wagenknecht alliance has not yet commented on the matter. A corresponding query from Tuesday's taz remained unanswered as of press time. If Hunko's claim is correct, then BSW wants to drag the firewall even further to the right than previously thought. In an interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper Sahra Wagenknecht had already stated in February that she would have no objections if a BSW motion were approved with AfD votes. She referred to the situation in Thuringia, where there is a minority government governed by leftist Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow, and cited the payment card as an example. What matters “is not whether the AfD accepts any demand, but whether a demand is right or wrong,” Wagenknecht said. Now the BSW apparently goes one step further.