the dax It was trading at 16,980.13 points on Monday shortly after the stock market opened. This means that it recorded an increase of 0.32 percent or a good 53 points compared to Friday's closing price.

The MDax of medium-sized stocks rose by 0.58 percent to 25,878.05 points, the EuroStoxx 50 was 0.03 percent higher at 4,732 points.

Siemens Energy with a significant price increase

The leader of the leading German index was Siemens Energy with gains of almost 4.5 percent. Rheinmetall gained 2.35 percent.

At the bottom of the ranking: Airbus and SAP with losses of around 0.3 percent each.

Wind turbine maker Nordex's business recovers

Wind turbine manufacturer Nordex presented its business figures in the morning. Then last year, the company improved sales and operating results. Revenue increased from 5.7 billion to almost 6.5 billion euros, the company announced.

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (Ebitda) reached break-even at two million euros. Last year there was a loss of 244 million euros. “After a weak start as expected, we have gradually improved from quarter to quarter with a stronger second half of the year,” said company director José Luis Blanco. Profitability lays a good foundation for future business development.

Oil prices are falling slightly

Oil prices fell slightly in the morning. A barrel (159 liters) of the North Sea Brent variety For delivery in April it costs $81.92. That was 27 cents less than Friday. This means that prices did not continue the sometimes strong increase of the previous week. Recently, risks in the Middle East had boosted prices. The price of North Sea crude oil rose by about four dollars last week. This increases costs for businesses and often leads to increased consumer prices.

Important dates in the coming days

Until Tuesday things will get interesting again on the stock markets, because then an important German indicator will be published: the ZEW economic expectations. In the US, consumer prices are also published, which receive a lot of attention around the world. Inflation data from the world's largest economy is one of the key indicators that the US Federal Reserve Bank uses as a basis for its interest rate decisions. The market now expects a first interest rate cut in May.

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