Stock market in the morning: Dax loses at the start of the market, Rheinmetall shares continue to rise

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The leading German index Dax begins trading on Tuesday with losses. Investors are eagerly awaiting upcoming US inflation data. They make themselves known in the early afternoon.

the dax begins trading on Tuesday with losses of 0.34 percent at 16,944 points. This means that it remains within reach of its recent high of 17,050 points. The MDax the median values ​​lost 0.29 percent to 26,020 points. The EuroStoxx 50the leading index of the euro region, lost 0.42 percent to 4,726.22 points.

Rheinmetall shares continue their streak

The best value in the morning is Rheinmetall. with profits of a good three percent. The arms company began the expansion of its plant in Unterlüß (Lower Saxony) on Monday with many political personalities. BASF and Continental also begin trading with slight profits.

At the bottom of the ranking are FreseniusInfineon and SAP Losses of about one percent each.

US inflation data eagerly awaited

Today at 2:31 p.m. the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) will release US inflation data for January. Inflation in December was 3.4 percent and investors expect a further drop. This would give the US Federal Reserve Bank room to cut key interest rates soon. So far, market watchers expect the Federal Reserve to begin cutting interest rates in May. This creates optimism about rising stock prices as the year progresses.

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