The dispute between Duchess Meghan and her half-sister Samantha Markle is reaching a new climax. After a Florida court last month dismissed Samantha's defamation suit against Meghan on the instructions of Judge Charlene Edwards Honeywell, Prince Harry's wife's half-sister is now appealing. He hopes Princess Kate's statement in the second attempt will turn his case around.

As MailOnline reports, Samantha Markle's lawyer Peter Ticktin has filed an objection to Judge Honeywell's March ruling. It ruled that Meghan's public comments about her family did not constitute defamation.

Samantha Markle is hoping for a statement from Princess Kate

Samantha and her lawyer are now relying on Princess Kate's testimony as it could provide important insights into the disputed events. But the request for a witness statement comes at a difficult time for Kate. He recently announced that he has cancer.

However, Samantha insisted to journalist Dan Wootton that Kate's recovery was more important than the trial. He also explained that his lawyer requested the testimony before Kate found out about the cancer: “I think it's important that everyone knows that this was done by my lawyer before anyone knew about her health problems.” Peter Ticktin himself told Wootton on his show Outspoken that he believed Kate could “shed some very important light on what happened because there's obviously something between the two of them [Kate und Meghan, Anm. d. Red.] something really went wrong.”

Neither the palace nor Kate herself have yet commented on the whole matter.

That's what the Markle sisters' legal battle is all about

The conflict between the Markle sisters stems from Meghan's various public statements. Samantha claims Meghan portrayed her and other family members in a bad light and fueled a global hate campaign against them. A particularly contentious point is Meghan's claim that she was raised as an only child and the claim that Samantha only changed her last name to Markle after Meghan started dating Prince Harry.

However, Judge Honeywell ruled in his 58-page ruling that Meghan's statements were not defamatory. With the dismissal of the lawsuit in March, the case was temporarily closed and a hearing scheduled for November 2024 was canceled.

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