Anticipation among Jungle Camp fans: After the end of the 17th season of Jungle Camp, this time viewers do not have to wait a whole year for the next campers to set off into the Australian jungle. Because in the reunion show, Sonja Zietlow (55) and Jan Köppen (40) reveal that the star season will take place in the summer of 2024. Here, twelve former contenders have a chance to win the all-time South African title. It is not yet known which prominent faces will be seen in the show “I am a Celebrity – Showdown of the Jungle Legends”, but the wish list already exists.

Cult candidate Brigitte Nielsen

Brigitte Nielsen (60) cannot be missed in the best version. The Dane brought the flair of a world star to the Season 6 jungle camp. With a reported €150,000, he received the highest IBES fee to date. After all, she already filmed with Arnold Schwarzenegger and was in a relationship with Sylvester Stallone. About the latter, he told “Rammler” anecdotes around the fire.

In broken German (“What's going on there”), Brigitte Nielsen became a cult candidate – and the only person to date to have been to the jungle camp twice. The spin-off “I'm a Star – Let Me Back In!” as the winner, he entered the tenth season. Another guest appearance would only be appropriate.

Audience favorite Larissa Marolt

For many experts, such as trash TV authority Anja Rützel (“Der Spiegel”), Larissa Marolt (31) is the best jungle candidate ever. The former GNTM participant drove his camp mates to despair with his temper, clumsiness and Austrian accent. Winfried Glatzeder even smacked her lightly on the arm when she wiped her hands on his shirt without asking.

He turned from a hated character to a favorite of the people and even came second in 2014. He just belongs to the squadron of stars. “Bunt,” as he would say.

Will Sarah Knappik return after voluntarily moving out?

Whoever says Larissa Marolt must also say Sarah “Dingens” Knappik (37). Also a former “GNTM” candidate, also the nightmare of his colleagues. In Season 5, it got to the point where his campmates threatened to move out if Knappik didn't move out. Mathieu Carrière even asked him to leave on his knees. The model finally figured it out. After making a somewhat re-appearance in Reality Star Wars last year, the jungler is set to make a comeback.

The first “queen” of the jungle Désirée Nick

In season 2, a woman sat on the jungle throne for the first time. Désirée Nick (67) once again shone with a sharp tongue and deliberately polarized people. In particular, he was victimized by runner-up Willi Herren, who asked the audience to vote out the entertainer. In 2023, Nick made headlines as the oldest German Playboy cover model.

“Pure entertainment” with “Höllena” Helena Fürst

“You can stone me, but do we allow Helena Fürst to move there again. It's pure entertainment,” someone wrote on Instagram under the announcement of the anniversary season. “Please, dear god of the jungle, let Helena Fürst be,” seconded another user. Helena Fürst (49) truly earned the nickname “Höllena” in 2016.

Camp mother Maren Gilzer

After all the scandalous pen, we still need a balanced and balanced colleague. This is where Maren Gilzer (64) comes in handy. The former “Wheel of Fortune” fairy made an impression as a camper in 2015 and became the queen of the ninth season, which is considered one of the most boring.

Former soccer player Thorsten Legat

Former soccer player Thorsten Legat (55) took on the jungle camp as a sporting challenge – and took on anyone who didn't. Then “Kasalla” Ruhrpott German was in trouble. Kasalla was mainly between the Bochum native and Helena Fürst, whom he hopes to meet in the relay of legends.

Diva Mathieu Carriere

By the way, in the song “I'm a Star – Get Me Out of Here!” there were also many male divas. For example, already mentioned Mathieu Carrière (73). The actor behaved no less annoyingly than Sarah Knappik, against whom he led a rebellion. His highlight: He peed on ice cubes in front of the cameras to melt them.

King of the Jungle Joey Heindle

For the women it was Evelyn Burdecki, for the men it was Filip Pavlovic and Joey Heindle (30): candidates who may not be intellectuals, but whose heart is in the right place, as they say. With loving naivety, Joey Heindle ascended to the jungle throne in “IBES” season seven after finishing fifth in “DSDS.”

Judge Menderes Bağcı

Menderes Bağcı (39) also belongs to the Heindle category. The court jester of “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” surprised the audience not only in the tenth season. “I'm positively surprised,” was his usual statement after successfully passing the exams. The future singer became the king of the jungle. Can he outdo himself again in a legendary season?

Another chance for Michael Wendler?

Everyone deserves a second chance, even Wendler, 51. He voluntarily left the jungle camp in 2014 before drifting into conspiracy theories. He quickly regretted it and shouted, “I'm a star – let me back!”. In vain, of course. Now he could happily hang around the fire.

Effeminate Mike Heiter

Dating show professional Mike Heiter (30) wanted to show himself as himself, not as an addition to various women, in the recently concluded season. But he met his ex Kim Virginia and was besieged by Leyla Lahouar. So he couldn't prove himself. Maybe right on the second attempt in the jungle?

This article “These Candidates Want Fans at 'Legends of the Jungle Demonstration'” is originally from the site.