A child born in St. Louis has not only inherited the last name of his father and grandfather, but he shares with them perhaps the most unique birthday gift of all: the same birth date. Daniel Lesinski III was born on March 26. was born and thus joins a remarkable family tradition that he shares with Daniel Lesinski Jr. and Daniel Lesinski Sr.

Daniel Lesinski Jr. and his wife welcomed their third child on a day that has been celebrated twice in their family. Both grandfather born in 1957 and father born in 1990 celebrate their birthdays on this day.

Overwhelming Coincidence: Triple Birthday

A 2017 BBC report put the odds of a grandfather, son, and grandson sharing the same birthday at 1 in 130,000. For the Lesinski family, it's more than a statistical quirk—it's a special bond reinforced by dates and names. Daniel Lesinski Jr., now 34, is still overwhelmed by the situation. “From my perspective, it was always cool to have the same birthday as my dad,” Lesinski Jr. tells People. “But now that it's happened…all I can think about is what special things the three of us will do next year.”

Three generations, same birthday: “We couldn't believe it”

Lesinski Sr., now 67, is humbled by this family provision. “We couldn't believe it,” admits the proud grandfather. Lesinski Sr. and his wife, Cindy, are the parents of four sons, the youngest of whom is Daniel Jr.

Originally expecting an April 1 due date, everything changed for Daniel Jr. and his wife, Heidi, when doctors recommended an early induction due to the baby's size. “That's when a light bulb dawned on me,” Lesinski Jr. said. “All of a sudden I realized that this could really happen.”

The Lesinskis want to do something special for their birthday

As for the March 26 birthday celebration, the Lesinski family has received all kinds of suggestions, from lottery tickets to special outings. But one thing is for sure, it will be something special, maybe even a trip to St. Louis to celebrate the occasion.

Daniel Lesinski Jr. insists that whether he carries on the tradition and perhaps one day brings Daniel Lesinski IV into the world is entirely up to his son Daniel III. “I deal with it the same way my dad dealt with me,” he says, “without any pressure.”