Eike Immel was once one of the most famous faces in German football – a European champion who made fans' hearts beat faster as a goalkeeper. But the former glory of the multi-millionaire and famous national player has noticeably faded. Today, the football icon has become a social phenomenon. The Sat.1 show “Let's talk about money” (starting Monday, April 22), which “Bild” gives an early look at, gives an exclusive insight into Immel's current life.

Eike Immel lives on social welfare on 563 euros – but he still enjoys luxury

Unlike his glorious past at clubs such as Borussia Dortmund and VfB Stuttgart, Eike Immel now faces financial challenges. The former star keeper currently lives on social benefits of 563 euros per month. At first glance, this income does not seem compatible with what is meant by a luxurious pascha life. But there are certainly surprises in store for the former footballer's everyday life.

In 2008, the former goalkeeper's life changed when he had to file for personal bankruptcy. Today, Immel talks about his everyday life in Sat.1's documentary film “Rahas sövätäs”, which, despite the financial difficulties, still offers comfort. In Stadtallendorf, Hesse, where he spent his childhood, Immel moved into a modest apartment furnished with donated furniture.

Eike Immel's apartment is cleaned by a personal cleaner

Although her income is limited, Eike Immel enjoys some luxuries that don't really match her low income. His home is cleaned by two cleaners every two weeks, a service the 63-year-old would never have done himself in his career, and which is funded by friends. His friends also contribute to his daily restaurant visits, which cost him around 28 euros. “I've never washed a floor in my life,” Immel admits in the documentary.

The kitchen in Immel's apartment is sparse, and the former soccer star admits: “I can't cook, I don't even make anything for myself, and that's what he admits.” he can't even operate a washing machine. But the community where he volunteers to coach youth soccer is appreciative. “Because he trains young people and is dedicated,” he is helped, according to the hostess of a local restaurant. “I volunteer at the soccer field several times a week,” confirms Immel and also appreciates the local cuisine. “I'm a friend of the house and I can order anything I want every day.”

Despite the generous support of those around him, at the end of the month it is not enough: Immel only has 2.69 euros left. The situation that Eike wants to change: “My goal is that the summer does not get citizens' money anymore,” he explains, looking to the future.

The original of this article “Eike Immel receives 563 euros of citizen money per month – and lives like a pasha” comes from BUNTE.de.