ProSieben: Lageraie in GNTM: Tough Heidi sends the fan favorites home

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Klum really cleans up: six of the other 26 candidates have to pack their bags.

XXL ejection from Germany's next top model: “My dear models, I really need to take out the tissues today!” announced Heidi Klum after the judging in episode 10. And it wasn't an empty threat. After no one was kicked out last time, they were actually screened out now.

Dominik was the unluckiest of the week: together with Stella, Nuri, Jana, Yusupha and Felix, he was among the six worst models of the previous week, which Heidi now wanted to investigate more closely. The “hit list” candidates had to qualify for the final catwalk before the actual judging. Supermodel Winnie Harlow assisted Klum as a guest judge. He was ready, “Let's make some tough decisions!”

“It's already breaking my heart!” explained Heidi

“It's already breaking my heart!” explained Heidi when she had to announce her decision after some rather mediocre walks. Nuri was the first in line: “Nuri, unfortunately I have to tell you a sentence that none of you want to hear, and that is: Unfortunately, I don't have a photo for you!” I'm terribly sorry!” the boss said surprisingly sympathetically. The 22-year-old cried bitterly: “I feel very lonely now that I have to fly home!” But he shouldn't be alone at all: Jana, Yusupha and Felix also got a return ticket.

Armin couldn't believe it: “Actually, I'm still waiting for a solution. For me, Jana was immediately at the forefront. I don't get it. It makes no sense at all!” At least his best friend Dominik made it further. Even if his joy was clouded, “I don't even want to think about the fact that it seems like four of my closest friends are out right now! But I feel relieved and grateful!” And then the 28-year-old had a dark premonition: “I've got to get through the next round now, otherwise I'll have to say goodbye!

“Unfortunately, I don't have a picture for you today!”

And the next round was tough. The catwalk was the same, but the other 22 models now had to wear a long black veil over their faces. In addition, 20 wind machines were aimed at the candidates. Among other things, this led to Xenia exposing her breasts again. The jurors took it with humor. “You have been blessed with this breast size. What are you supposed to do!?” Winnie laughed. The tiny model Lilli was almost blown off the catwalk by the wind and had to improvise with her poses. It backfired and he also bought a ticket home. His comment: “It's a very bad feeling to be kicked out!”

And finally Dominik missed the second round. “You got the same criticism on your first walk,” Heidi recalled. “And as much as I like you, I'm sorry to tell you: I don't have a picture for you today!” Armin was shocked when Dominik came back without the photo: “Don't make me evil!” “Sayonara!” said his best friend. “Now you must make this journey alone.” Armin couldn't believe it, “Now not only your female caretaker Jana is leaving, but also your best friend! I'll wake up tomorrow morning and not understand. Tomorrow will probably be even worse when my brain goes back to normal!”

“I want to be a role model for Arab women”

Despite this, there were also happy people this week: Grace for example. The 24-year-old woman was able to prevail over her competitors at the casting and is now the new face of the underwear brand, following in the footsteps of Heidi and Leni Klum, among others. “From a small village in Syria to Intimissim posters. I have no words right now!” she said happily, “I want to be a role model for Arab women. You can also feel comfortable in underwear.”

And Stella and Frieder also did very well: they won the “I am unique” reel challenge, where the models had to present themselves as creatively as possible in short video clips. Their prize: $500 each for a shopping trip to Los Angeles.

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This article “Clear segment on GNTM: Tough Heidi sends fan favorites home” was originally from Teleschau.

TV show